Jesus is known as Saviour, Counselor, The Rock of Ages, The Rock of My Salvation, The King of Glory, The Lord Jehovah, Master,
and so many more names. Yet, to place words upon the essence of who Jesus is in my heart eludes words. My desire is for
every heart that this message touches to long to know Jesus Christ as their utter existence. I guess, that is what Jesus
is to me. My everything. He is the loving God who even before we were born, saw the need of a world that was unable to realize
the love that God our Father longed to provide. Through the covenants of the Old Testament, sacrifices were offered to God.
Through the convenant ot the New Testament Jesus Christ offered himself as the Perfect Sacrifice. A perfect lamb, without
spot or blemish, offered for the sin of the world, so that we might eternally have the choice to abide forever in glory with
the Father and The Son. We are not and never could be worthy for the gift that has been offered to this lost and dying world.
A perfect gift of eternal life, of uncompromising love and commitment from our advocate Jesus, to the Father.
We are given the opportunity freely to choose eternal life in Heaven or to reject the love of Jesus and spend eternity in
the torment of Hell. Hell is a very real place prepared for satan and his angels. Even the angels have a choice. One third
of the angels in Heaven chose to rebel against God along with the lying enemy that attacks the people of this earth. It is
the desire of God for every man to come to repentance. To find the eternal peace that He offers. To be drenched with the
love of his providing hands, that is his plan for mankind. But we must make a commitment to follow Jesus. To obey the commandments
of God. To repent and turn from sin. We believe water baptism. God has also sent a very special gift to the earth for every
believer, which is the Holy Ghost. These three make up the Trinity...The Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. To follow
God we must become servants. It is needful in these latter days for all believers to become disciples and spread the Gospel
of Jesus across the world. We need to dwell in unity as brothers and sisters. We must be given to fellowship and the assembling
of ourselves. And we are called to be worshippers. Praises shall continually be on our lips. And in all things we should
give thanks! Let me pose one question to you. "Where will you spend eternity?" Do you honestly
know in your heart that Heaven would be your home if you stepped into the presence of God and the books of your life were
opened and judged? Has the blood of Jesus blotted out the sinful man that we are all when we are birthed into this world?
If you long to make sure that Jesus is your Saviour and that Heaven will one day be your home, I urge you to pray this prayer.
Father, I come to you a sinner. I asked that you forgive me of my sins and make me a new creature. I ask Jesus
Christ to come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour. I believe that Jesus died at Calvary and rose from the grave.
I repent of my sins and ask you to guide me in the ways that you would have me to follow. I commit my life to you and to
following your word and your commandments. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. This is only the first step in your new
walk. It is very important for you to seek God in prayer and ask His wisdom in placing you in a body of believers to worship
and grow. It is important that you read God's Holy Word which are scripture inspired by men of God through the inspiration
of God. Be baptized in water and seek the filling of the Holy Ghost. Remember that we as new creatures are Holy, but not
perfect. Resist the devil and he will flee. That is not to make you believe that the Christian walk will be as a rose without
thorns. We must strive to meet the mark. It is a daily walk, a daily talk, but with God's word, fellowship, and a prayer
wheel continually turning, the Bible tells us that we can overcome and dwell in the House of the Lord forever!
